We routinely rehabilitate under certification of law residential areas and properties such as homes and schools (in NY, NJ & PA) such as in this New Jersey case for which we were called involving the school that was closed due to amateur NJ meter reader caused unnecessary EMF fear closing down a school. Our study found the school to be clearly safe and then reopened. We did identify one area that was elevated in the playground. This area was not even identified by the amateur consultant that was not near any of the school classrooms or offices of any concern. This area was subsequently adjusted and corrected after our report was submitted to the power utility company.

Residential properties were also so reported losing up to 75% of their value after amateur sham EMF certified consultants condemned such properties we found absolutely no risks were also so rehabilitated to their full and true value and instantly purchased. If your are an owner of such a property call us for a free initial review of your concerns and expert consultation.


This must be reported. Recent buyers in Bergen County, NJ and Westchester County NY called us to report our findings after sellers that were frightened and unable to sell their homes. A young couple highly interested in the property called us to and we identified no risks. The happy couple subsequently purchased a $910,00.00 property for $375,000.00. Another case, a medical doctor from Manhattan called recognizing our medical and technical authority called us to perform a highly technical scientific study of a $1.8 million property constructed in 2004 that no one wished to purchase due to local High Voltage lines. The doctor purchased this magnificent property for $700,000.00!

If you are an home owner and have a health or property value concern call us and obtain a confidential expert analysis, study and report. Call now for a free phone consultation.