There is nothing more important in our practice than assuring a safe and healthy home for new expectant families and those already with children. The EMF professor will share more information than what is known or what is published.

EMF: From Conception to Puberty ask JMD
We know if, how, and when EMF poses a risk to families to be. Our integrated EMF medical experts perform highly specialized studies for new families.

Occasionally our clients become patients due to exposure effects reported and moved out of a new home or rental based upon our findings. But, unknown to trusting renters, buyers, and sellers some are being unnecessarily alarmed and misled by unqualified, self-appointed start-up EMF consultants when no EMF-related concern exists.
Amateur consultants claim to read everything from the internet but unknown to them their readings are more of the same confused parroted, inconclusive unsupported hearsay information found on the Internet. Such individuals are without any clinical-medical qualifications, knowledge, or related experience regarding EMF and health exposure experience as we. They fail to recognize or understand the high complexity required for the clinical-medcial diagnostics for EMF risk assessment.

Upper levels and roof exposure areas are often of interest. If you can see an EMF system, there may be a potential for exposure. Call and speak to our EMF clinical medcial experts for a free review of your interests.