How do Elements of the – Electro Magnetic Spectrum (EMS) Effect Human and Animal Health?
RCA Sarnoff Princeton Electronics Communications Engineer, Medical Scientist and Legal Counsellor Author of Volume One Prof Dr JMD Esq.:
A Powerful Introduction to EMF – 5G and the Detection Measurement and Reporting Electromagnetic Radiation 3rd (2008) by prof dr. Josef Dumanov, M Rudenko, MD, PhD C J Wu PhD, et al. Volume II in 2024 (Vol. l limited editions available) Protocol sC-Ve II pending formal publication is here
We interview and ask the legal author, Electronics and Communications Engineer, EMF Medical Professor JMD, who, when and what effect electron fields and their related quanta in the environment have on life forms.

The partial diagnostic equation electraEMF (sC-Ve) to the effects of exposure to EMF and quanta of the EMS – Electromagnetic Spectrum contact , or
Good morning professor: May we start by asking this question.
We hear and read so much on the Internet about the dangers from as you put it the elements and orders of the EMS – Electromagnetic Spectrum. What is it that truly effects human and animal health?
Prof JMD: I have eliminated the fog of the electro smog and its related obfuscation as part of the real cover-up to this date. Yes, but to go on you have asked in one short sentence that leads to all the questions that need to be asked and answered as to relating how the EMF class is is presently understood. This may surprise you, and unfortunate that t0 start off I will tell you that medical science in general this area of studies has been looking at the concerns humans have are viewing it from within the confines of the current academic research matrix being within a confined paradigm; formulating and asking the wrong questions with many individuals offering answers to misconceived formulations that are failing without questions being not asked. Few so far have a truly scientific perspective beyond that which has been parroted for the past 100 years. You may recall that 30 years ago that there were people in NYC using ghost detectors that were in fact simple magnetic field indicators without the fundamental understanding as outlined in the first volume “EMF-5G Detection Measurement and Reporting Electromagnetic Radiation” in 2008. Today those same people are getting sham EMF certificates (zero technical, medical or legal authority) using the same Amazon and eBay EMF detectors (many fancy meters-toys), and high priced ones that are irrelevant and clearly not understood.
The public must be made aware that there are highly conflicted self published and not peer-reviewed publications such as this selling beds, shielding, meters and filters by EMF pyramids of building bio type sites with what appears to be real science but in fact it is about selling or do these people think everyone is really clueless? Any EMF EMR RF mitigation products must be fully recognized for the efficacy for given environmental exposure. Many of our clients and patients have been malformed by amature meter readers and from biased to sell websites. In fact some shielding may cause a tremendous increase in risk exposure to the cancers.
Why? Because it is NOT about the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF) based upon real science that is directly evident for the health effects, it is all innuendo or suggestive. For myself as a civil rights legal author (Expungements 3rd) and *Emp. Rights 2nd) I have placed a heavy legal burden on all medcial research in part my role as a peer review and associate editor for many of the major scientific research publication community. The general public does not see these publications (annual fee 1-5K a year for 4 issues) Although there are demands nationally and internationally regarding the cancers and EMS I do not believe conclusive findings will be reported for many years to come other than my own research scheduled to be completed in 2023-24. Yes, having seen many cases EMF is in fact a proven carcinogen to humans.

Clinical Medical Health Effects of EMF related Quanta. How does EMF effect humans in the environment. At CERN a quantum view.
For researchers, once beyond the recognition that epigenetic effects of given dosage of the EMS changes are common and carcinogenic and once recognizing that carcinogenic, and most tragic teratogenic, and oncogenic potentials of elements of the EMS that are unrecognized outside of the current science that these special fields are unrecognized by them in the EvVE, yes EvVE, arena as noted in the pioneering electraEMF sC-Ve class I and II subClinical Protocols developing a mechanistic approach for level 2 with our researchers over the decades and as enumerated in the electraEMF diagnostic equation (partial equation here) that is the foundation for all our studies and testimony in the courts under FRE Of course some will try to imitate our work as they have with much of our other work.
Yes, professor: How did you obtain this view in the development of the EMF diagnostic EQUATIONS?
Much from insight and revealing recognitions from my DNA subClinical Research Lab in genomics the ongoing related electrophoresis and the integrated clinical environmental work in toxicology, immunology, medical mycology, micro-organisms including pathogenic pleomorphs, virons for immunology and related oncology previously published. But the most critical connection was the initiation from the most enlightening discussions with George Charpak regarding findings from my initial 2003 studies while at CERN Geneva and then recognizing humans consisting of fragile soft matter (Pierre-Gilles de Gennesas) as opposed to plants dominated by hard matter. Taking away this discussion and that with Dr Dawn Nowlin and her quantum cellular training from Cool Edge in 2013 finally put it together. Yes, CERN does hold all the secrets of the effects of the electron and generational (iterational) quanta and of life itself.

Dr. Ching J Wu, PhD, Scientist with Spectral subClinical Research protocol electraEMF sC-Ve
For the risk exposure diagnostic with over 1,000 in situ studies there has been ongoing research (Wu, Rudenko, Semel, et al) with the Spectral subClinical researchers reviewing the effects of EMF and tens of thousands publications for over a century and none have outlined the cause and effect of selected life forms. Understand that most life forms are not affected by even the highest electro magnetic fields, but why humans? We know. Interestingly while in Milan for medcial conference held in Lugano upon return guided research associates my EU finding and published one of the first publications on the molecular biology of CV-19. For COVID related, not surprisingly viron and vira have high level of receptivity and interaction / entanglement with eQuanta. Shortly thereafter published that nonionizing EMR at THz and ionizing O3 would be highly effective against environmental and potential systemic CV-19 that became widely accepted in the community of hygienists.
Why? For two reasons:
It initially astounded me why the present day science has been looking in the wrong place. Then having worked above the glass ceiling with global researchers of my related integrated medcial sciences and began to review unpublished some of the most advanced studies that will never be seen by the public all began to find its place and instantly, readily understood (PC,CL). Unknowingly much of the research previously has avoided level 2 being focused on 1, X, 3, 4 and been misdirected by controlling conflicting interests, but the electraEMF sC-Ve protocol (protocol 5e) directly and immediately as the other subClinical protocols we developed leads for the clinical diagnostic as intended in my work. You do not want to know what is known about EMF at level as it is unpublished. You do not want to become a medcial scientist (have presented at the CDC and medical conferences worldwide by invitation) . But relevant knowledge is included in all my clinically and technically integrated for the clinical and technical differentials for all of our 4-5G, EMS, EMF and EMI related cases.

2003 Geneva Spectral Analytical Scientists reviewing the electraEMF protocol with Georges Charpak at CERN .
Spectral Analytical Sciences research studies include engineering and related quanta mechanics contributions from CJ Wu (Bell Labs, NJ USA), a pioneering scientist in the deployment of the earliest cellular communications over decades.
Dr. George Charpak’s contribution as integrated with and for the systematic dynamic differential equation (Cl-Me- Qe) to be published in 2024 that will reveal all of the most critical unasked, unanswered, that are asked and answered necessary for solutions. This will provide an entirely new direction for understand exposure to the EMS.

London Allergy Immunology Center diagnostics and the effects of electromagnetic emission in the environment.
Prof Dr. Michael Rudenko ( London Immunology, UK), contribution to our EMF studies in the EU and US published in “”EMF-5G Detection Measurement and Reporting Electromagnetic Radiation”
Having seen many clients and patient that have remained undiagnosed or dismissed by clinicians. For for those often suffering and experiencing neurasthenia (general bad feeling); depression; impotence; anxiety; lack of concentration; hypochondria; dizziness;
hallucinations; sleepiness or insomnia; irritability; decreased appetite;
loss of memory; scalp sensations; fatigue; chest pain, tremors i have conducted studies that in fact identified fields and emissions directly associated with their disorders.
We appreciate and dearly welcome your support for our related Cancer Research – you may send welcomed donations for our cancer research: Donate to support Spectral subclinical Research