ABOUT electraEMFhealth™
We are dedicated about our practice given what we have seen of the effects of EMF some being most heartbreaking on infants and moms. We believe there is no room for error when working with human lives. We are American Medical Association accredited medcial experts for our epidemiological practices and are highly experienced state and industry licensed advanced EMF EMR RF 2-3-4-5 G, electronic engineering technologists for over 30 years, with extensive related clinical-medical-academic backgrounds.
Clinical Medical EMF Engineer for the Integrations
All EMF EMI related studies are performed by mandatory licensed highly experienced electronics and communications engineer and clinical-medical expert. prof jmd
We will not reference or cite the many fake and non-peer reviewed amature papers that are meaningless, vague, ambiguous and inconclusive. This includes the already dismissed fake science of Havas, Gram, Setzer, Millman, and others that have highly conflicted interests in selling papers, meters, filers and EMF stuff” that is mostly junk. Pall informative on his VGCC review adaptions from research of the 60s from Russia with exposing true effects of the elements in the EMS.
We know from our client and patient studies having see the effects of EMF at every level.
Peer-reviewed being scientifically and academically published, and clinically integrated for risk the risk diagnostic for the epidemiological EMF exposure present. Having pioneered EMF risk analysis over 20 years ago fully understanding such is a highly complex clinical technical-medical diagnostic professional practice. This practice is not for any recent overnight commercialized sham non-licensed, self-appointed EMF meter readers recently appearing in Manhattan, Westchester, and New Jersey from the same family deceptive family.
Where is the Best EMF Testing available in my area?
Our EMF safety testing services are available in greater metropolitan areas of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, and other areas. For high order critical corporate and legal evidentiary matters nationally and internationally on a case-by-case basis.

Testing by EMF licensed electronics engineer and medical expert
We conduct on-site risk exposure diagnostics with our advanced applied EMF EMR spectrum analysis.
The electraEMF™ experts are highly integrated clinical-medical and EMF technical internationally recognized scientists and doctors for the exposure diagnosis.
Technical Medical Legal Experts
As highly experienced and lawfully state and industry licensed in NJ NY CT PA DE and nationally (CV available) we are s court recognized electronic and communications engineering technologists, with the necessary required experience and specialization in LF 50-60 Hz and HFRF RF-2-3-4-5G communications technology and highly integrated clinical-medical exposure experts.
What medical symptoms are experienced from EMF?
Many different symptoms from common headaches to cancers and even more.
We have seen them all. Commonly:
- Neurological symptoms
- Whole-body sensations
- The cancers
- many other….residential
Case Law at Trial
We outline solutions encourage understanding, agreement, and settlement for conflicting parties.
At times we have performed EMF studies for clients to protect their pecuniary interests in property value and occupant/residents’ health and safety. When the parties could not come to an agreement and we were called and upon review by their attorneys they are then are settled. All our EMF studies for such cases are accepted at trial.
EMF Study by State Licensed Expert Engineers

Report of EMF from local High Voltage levels
We provide our clients and patients with legal guidance and consultation for the resolution of any legal issues that may arise contractual or in tort to avoid litigation. Those cases that were required to move forward we have been experts in numerous cases including EMF. For all such cases, our testimony prevails.
Scientific electronic technical and medical EMF risk exposure knowledge and experience are mandatory. Investigations must be conducted on-site for any EMF spectrum-related concerns.
Ultimately EMF risk testing is first and foremost about health, safety, identifying the risks, and then providing answers for solutions.
We have provided such services in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, West Virginia, and Connecticut for architects, engineers, and routinely for municipal buildings, police departments, schools, the corporate executive office of major communications companies, businesses, government offices, and residential properties.