The partial diagnostic equation electraEMF (sC-Ve) to the effects of exposure to EMF and quanta of the EMS – Electromagnetic Spectrum

Formula for determining the health effects of EMF 50-60 Hz by Josef Dumanov

Clinical Medcial Health Effects of EMF related Quanta. How does EMF effect humans in the environment. At CERN a quantum view.
Yes, it is primarily about genetic mutations and the cancers in it various manifestations and related pathologies. These also include tissue cellular and ionic pathways effect involving Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme, Down Syndrome. Autism, Neuroblastoma and other disorders our EMF medical (clinical molecular biologists) experts are available for any EMF exposure concerns. If you believe that you have been effected from EMF or 2 3 4 5G related sources in any serious way our legal experience is required in the event you need to vacate, break a lease /contract or file civil legal action in tort for related EMF exposure/trespass . As a technically integrated clinical-medical practice we are not social media promoted event and try to obtain references from families, friends or request numerous Google website reviews but being here for you and are and have been the nation’s EMF exposure testing standard. Our peer reviewed scientifically published medical experts have extensive EMF exposure diagnostic experience obtained over a 20 year period has given us specialized knowledge regarding health risk exposure that none else possess. Additionally, we often provide patients very critical diagnostic information to severely and terminally ill leading to recovery (yes, that of MDs also) that is is unavailable from anyone else. Our level of experience is mandatory and required as having been demonstrated at law being certified by NYC Manhattan and Westchester Supreme and NJ County Superior courts as EMF and medical experts for you as plaintiffs or defendants. We are specialists for any suspect EMF related or undiagnosed health disorders. For you as a client, patient, physician, electronic engineer, or attorney call us first for a personal or professional consultation or review of your symptoms, concerns, needs or case.
We conduct on-site for the risk exposure diagnostics with our advanced applied EMF EMR spectrum analysis. Our electraEMF™ experts are highly integrated clinical-medical and EMF technical peer reviewed published scientists that come to your offices, schools and business.
Our testing is first and foremost about your family’s health and safety.
risks from emf testing exposure
As exposure experts for all of our written reported findings, we clearly outline causation and the remediation solutions being medical, practical or legal in the event your health has been effected or you must break a lease or a contract as we are lawful authorities for such matters and will testify in court for you as such as having done so in many cases.
As state licensed we routinely provide full EMF technical solutions for at risk properties making it unnecessary to vacate. Licensed in NY NJ DE CT and PA for consumer electrical services we will also provide remediation at the time of our on-site investigations, inspection and surveys.
We know precisely and identify without doubt the sources of exposure, and when and where the risks are. The extensive EMF exposure medical diagnostic experience that we have obtained for over a 15 year period has given us specialized knowledge regarding health risk exposure. Additionally, as published medical scientists we often times give patients and their physicians very critical, life altering diagnostic information to severely and terminally ill leading to recovery (yes, that of MDs also). If you have been injured, blinded or so many other ways effected and require medical attention we as court certified experts in such cases will write a forensic report for you.
Protect yourself and your professional practice. If you are a landlord, or a property manager and receive an occupant’s report of EMF fear produced by such questionable unqualifed “consultant” have your attorney contact us for a review for assured dismissal. Protect yourself as contract law requires due diligence for any transaction demanding fully licensed experts for this practice. Speak with our EMF medical-technical-legal staff and expert for more information. Your family’s health and life is clearly at risk from such unqualifed consultants. If you have any health or EMF exposure questions we are your best and only local choice call us now.